About Imran

Software Engineer (Developer/Creator)

I’m an indie software developer and tech enthusiast. All coding projects are built from the ground up, from planning and designing to solving real-life problems with code. Love to work on new technologies and am always eager to learn new ones. Interested in Networks, Web, System Designs and Databases.

thenundersurfers is my blogging site.

Reliable UDP

Implementing reliable protocol of the udp to transfer video files.
Making UDP reliable by implementing selective repeat, timeout and sequence numbers.

Project page


📍 Take a look at the tours and book a tour you wanna enjoy.
Natours provides you opportunities to go on amazing tours
Server Side Rendering, Node, MongoDb, Express, Stripe, Send Grid, Pug
You can take a look at the natours-fun.herokuapp.com

Project page

MemoBooks MERN APP

🖼️ Save your memories, notes, pics online .
MemoBooks helps you save your memories (stories),
Firebase, React, Node, MongoDb, Express
You can take a look at the memobooks.herokuapp.com

Project page

React Netflix-Clone

A netflix clone made using React and Firebase
This app will show you some trending stuff. You can watch trailers.
React, Firebase, Tmdb API
You can take a look at the netflix-clone-97566.web.app

Project page

Memobooks API

API for authenticating the users and retrieve data related the user stories.
API documentation

Project page


Flight fare predicting model.
Using some regression models and EDA techniques to predict flight prices.
Making UDP reliable by implementing selective repeat, timeout and sequence numbers.

Project page

Trie Dictionary

Implemented trie data structure to create a dictionary.
We have created a dictionary, with synonyms, using a "TRIE" data structure.
We have done trie memory optimization using the hashmaps

Project page

📧 contact me!

imranza61398327 imran-zaheer-116aa3229 izr_612 @imranzaheer @izaheer612 imranzaheer612 izr_612

See my profile at showcase to see which languages and tools i use showwcase.com/imranzaheer612603